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Friday, July 13, 2012

Ten Tips for Prezis!

Wait.  You don't know what a Prezi is?  No fear... I had no idea until recently either.  However, now that I know I MUST share this information!  A Prezi is a more interesting and visually pleasing version of power-point.  Now that might not sound to exciting, but wait till you see one... You're going to love it.

In fact, check this out.

Amazing, right?  Yep.  It would look better if I could get it to embed properly without the side cut-off, but it seems to not want to be smaller.. Hm.  I need tips on that.  Haha!

Now you just a need a few tips to make the Prezi creation process easier.  So, here we go:

1 - Watch the tutorials.  Seriously.  It will make creating them way easier, and they simple, straight-forward, and actually interesting.  No, really... they are.

2 - Have no fear.  Just experiment with things until you get it looking how you'd like... You can always hit undo.

3 - Don't overuse any one tool.  Sometimes we really like the way a "fade-in" looks, but if you do it 18 times, the viewer will not like it... at all.

4 - Keep it simple.  Don't sweat trying to make it look amazing of you're struggling with creativity... It kind of does it on its own.

5 - Share your Prezi!  Present students/viewers with access to the Prezi on their own time so they can go back and re-watch at their own pace or follow along.

6 - Watch the length.  It may be pretty interesting to you, and more interesting in it's style than a power point, but keep your audience in mind.  Never make a power point or Prezi so long that people check-out.

7 - Use the video/image tools!  Do NOT make the presentation all words. I repeat, do NOT make the presentation all words.  Embedding videos is SO easy on Prezi, and looks incredible.  Spice it up!

8 - Space it out!  You have unlimited space, so use it.  Don't make an area look too crowded.

9 - Don't allow for motion-sickness.  Something I love about Prezi is that the power-point version has a LOT of movement between slides - flying to the next one and zooming into the information.  However, don't send it back and forth like crazy across the central point the entire time.  Make the movement attractive. 

10 - Choose our colors carefully.  Make sure the compare-contrast of colors and other visuals it easy to read from and look at in general.  Also, test it on the projector, because it looks different than what's on your computer screen.

More ideas?  Share below!


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