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Monday, July 16, 2012

Windows Movie Maker - Stadium of Fire 2012!

I made a movie today on Windows Movie Maker to let y'all know a bit more about me. It was simple and fairly straight-forward to navigate, though there are not quite as many editing tools as I would like. Check it out below to see my mad WMM skills (as well as ten tips for WMM!) and find out a little bit about what I do when I'm not teaching... Enjoy!

Ten Tips:

1. Create a project folder!  A friend taught me this a few years back... Create a folder for your project and put all files (pictures, videos, mp3s) you'll use for your project into that folder.  Save your project in the same folder!

2. Always save!  This program has a tendency to freeze from time to time, so save after every little thing you finish.

3. Don't overuse any one transition, effect, or phrase/word in your video - this will make it more diverse and keep people's attention.

4.  Use the tutorials!  They're there for a reason and you never know what you could learn.

5. Add narration and music... and here's HOW: WMM only has one audio track for either music or narration, not both simultaneously.  The “work around” is to SAVE the MOVIE as a .WMV video file with either the narration or music, then start a new WMM PROJECT, import the MOVIE you just saved into the new project then add the narration or music to the now empty music/narration track.  Finally, resave the MOVIE again with all the audio.  I stole this from another blog about WMM and it's a GREAT tip!

6. Utilize the credits and titles.  You don't want to overuse anything, but with some of these throughout, it can explanation without extra audio.

7. Reduce the number of program you have open while using this program.  The more programs you have open while this one is open, the more likely it is to crash your project. 

8.  Fade and overlap transitions for a smoother look... Play with it and figure out what looks best, but I find these two options to work really well in most places.

9.  Add some still shots to your video!  It changes up the look and can add a lot to your video.

10.  Use this program in your class!  It's free and easy to use... what could be better!?  Click on the link (WMM in the Classroom) for more ideas!

Stadium of Fire was AMAZING! What do other teachers out there do in their time off?


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